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The Gospel of Gods grace!

The saving message how to escape Gods wrath, in less than 5 minuten.



God is the Creator of Heaven and Earth, but also of, among other things, the sun, moon, stars, plants and animals. The Bible (God's Word) describes that He had made all things right. Through God's wondrous creation you can see that God is almighty, wiser, more powerful and more genius than any human being. Take a good look at your own body, how special every detail (hormones, nerves, blood, embryo growth, cell division, eyes, hearing, digestion, etc..) has been designed. In contrast, the big bang/explosion theory can really only explain chaos and disorder; a "big bang" with no love, relationship or life purpose. The theory of evolution goes wrong on many fronts, scientists are unable to resolve it on many fronts. For example, the perfect rhythm of day/night and seasons cannot be explained by chaos. In addition, the Creator in all His wisdom made the planets all rotate in the same direction, except for Venus, to negate the credibility of the human big bang theory. Only planet Earth has life and it is not demonstrable that there is life on other planets. God created the sun, moon, and stars as time markers…something that chaos makes impossible.

As the crowning glory of creation, God created man to build a relationship with. Man was created in God's image and is said to rule over the earth, animals and plants. Adam and Eve were the first two humans. Then everything was very good. Death, disease, misery, war, murder, etc., were not yet there, for the God of eternal life had made everything very good.

In paradise (the garden of Eden) Adam and Eve were tempted by the adversary of God, the satan/devil who sat in the cunning serpent. God let man live in freedom, but they were not allowed to eat fruit from 1 tree. At the insistence of satan, Adam and Eve ate from the tree from which God had forbidden them to pluck. Since that time, sin has fallen on men and evil has entered the world. Every human being sins against God's holiness. Even if we think that a lie is not too bad, for the Holy God every lie is a sinful act. Furthermore, God is the Maker of everything and has every right to determine what happens to our souls after we die.

Our living God is a holy and just God, so He cannot accept sin. For that reason, Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise. So satan has caused “division/division” between man and God. Examples of sins: lies (for a good reason), stealing, ungodliness, disbelief in God, idolatry, adultery, self-centered life, quarrel, divorce, hatred or envy of others, name-calling, swearing, jealousy, gossip etc… The wages of our sins is death and the world became less and less beautiful, with disease, plagues, pain, quarrels, murder, injustice, etc... You only have to open the newspaper and it is clear!
After Adam and Eve, all people are born with sin, everyone! No one excepted. Brokenness comes into the world and there also comes separation between people (quarrels, divorce, wars, murder). Man chooses to live without God and man thinks he can be like God himself, so that he does not have to bear any responsibility. The Bible tells us that no man is righteous before the holy God because of this. Man himself is already experimenting to make life out of something dead… We think we are god…

God is very sad and angry about this, after all He still wants the relationship with man, and has therefore carried out a loving plan. About 2,000 years ago, God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, to Earth. Jesus was both Man and God and lived completely without sin. He was chosen by God to die as a vicarious sacrifice for us, for you and me. Undeservedly, Jesus took our guilt upon Himself, when His sacrificial blood was shed on the cross. After three days, Jesus rose from the dead. He's alive!!! This grace is for everyone who believes in this, because in exchange for the penalty of our sin, Jesus gives us salvation from this eternal punishment, He offers eternal life. Everyone uses the name Jesus Christ almost daily (appropriate or inappropriate), just think of the example of the era (determination of God's times) that is not connected to Christ for nothing.

Through faith and repentance, our sins are forgiven and covered, making the way back to God, our Father in Heaven, possible. If we repent of our sins and are willing to turn from sinful deeds, God will forgive us. We can prayerfully repent and ask the Father to forgive us and wash our hearts clean from within. Then we become a new creation (born again) and then belong to God's chosen children, receiving His holy Spirit. We will still stumble in our lives, but we can always ask for forgiveness. However, with a desire to become more and more pure and to want to be more like Jesus.

As God's children, we begin to testify to those around us about who Jesus is to us and to praise, honor Him for His loving salvation. Without us deserving it, He bore our guilt - and the wrath of God against your and my sins came upon Him (PURE LOVE AND MERCY). We can only be thankful, because everything in the world will perish. The treasures in heaven are forever. Soon when Jesus returns, we will be appointed to rule this world together with Jesus as it was already intended for Adam and Eve, and for eternity. Without tears, without pain, without war, without sin and death will be no more. In eternal love, joy, peace and happiness so that God will receive all the glory that He deserves and it will no longer be about us. The dead believers will all rise from the dead, just like Jesus. Hallelujah!

Those who do not believe in Jesus, God's Son, will forever be away from God, and His wrath (response of His anger to evil) remains on people. In the darkness with the devil with pain and lamentation your soul becomes eternally aware of the salvation you have not embraced. God calls that place in the Bible hell or the lake of fire and brimstone. Jesus is calling you today! Seek Him now, for you do not know whether you may live tomorrow. On Judgment Day, every human being will come before God's Holy White Throne, where He will judge (the living and the dead) and there is no one to excuse. (Romans 1:20-21 / Revelation 20:11-15). Indeed, the beauty of creation and conscience gives every human being the opportunity to know that God exists along with the knowledge of what is good and what is evil.

Blessed is he/she who believes Him and repents from his sinful life.


Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6).

“For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, that is the man Christ Jesus” (1 Timothy 2:5)

Be saved by Jesus. Share this message, no one should perish! Amen.


Loving regards,
Raymond van Bussel


 © 2019 by Stichting Parelvissers.

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